Contacts Page

Due to 'Data Protection' regulations, we are unable to provide telephone numbers or email addresses of individuals on the website.

To contact any of the people below, please leave a message for them on the Church telephone number:- 01360 310939

or send an email for their attention to:-

Function Name
Minister Paul Cathcart (Interim Moderator)
Session Clerk George Kelly/Lynzi Stirling
Boys Brigade Iain Stirling
Brownies [1st Campsie] Barbara Hanning
Health & Hygene Rena Garvie
Church Boxes Marion Raeburn
Church Cleaner Anthea Hardy
Church Officer Stephen McBride
Crèche Anthea Hardy
Events Convenor Vacant
Flower Convenor Catrina Cameron
Girl Guides  
Health & Safety Officer Andy Dickson
Organists Sheila Jones
Aileen Kelly
Pastoral Care Convenor Margaret Tindall
Prayer Convenor Joan Thomson
Property Coordinator Robert Stirling
Rainbow Café Rena Garvie
Rainbows Fiona Quinn
Safe-guarding Officer Margaret Tindall
The Guild Alice Wilson
Treasurer Sue Mitchell
Web Site/Technical Robert Neilson


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