UPDATE 2024 |
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UPDATE 2024 |
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PRINTER CARTRIDGESThank you to all who pop your used ink cartridges into the recycling box in the foyer. We raised £28.45 from the recent box Since we started collecting we have raised £184.35 for the Church. It might not seem a lot but every little helps! Just to remind you the Charity only give us payment for Cartridges they don’t pay out on can still be put in the box and will be recycled. |
MOBILE PHONE recycling is no longer available!Thanks to all who used this facility previously |
Many thanks for your donations and please keep them coming |
PRINTER CARTRIDGESWe have registered with this recycling charity who will take used Inkjet Cartridges for recycling. Each Cartridge recycled will raise between 10p and £2 depending on the desirabiltyOnly the main printer manufacturers' cartidges will be accepted - eg HP, Dell, Lexmark, Canon etc. They will not
accept 'store' brands - eg Tesco, PC World
They will also not accept cartridges which have been refilled already. |
There will now be a box in the Foyer in which you can put the above items. The box goes away when we have reached 25 cartridges.The collection is FREE and the money is paid directly into the Church Account. |
Foodbank Centre LennoxtownLocated in Free Church of ScotlandMain Street,
Contact East Dunbartonshire FoodbankEast Dunbartonshire Foodbank, 52 Townhead,
Kirkintilloch, G66 1NL |
The Church of Scotland is committed to:♦ taking all reasonably practicable stepsto deliver the appropriate level of access, physical, intellectual, and spiritual, for all people to the services provoded by the Church♦ ensuring compliance with all statutory requirementsrelating to disability discrimination♦ ensuring that the measures taken to improve accessfor people with disabilities are compatible with the conservation interests of its building♦ encouraging congregations and Councilsto take appropriate steps to make all members (including office bearers), adherents, staff and volunteers aware of the importance of not discriminating against people with disabilities and to ensure that these representatives of congregations and councils receive appropriate training♦ promoting accessibilityby ensuring that information on accessibility is available in an appropriate form (for example, that the times of services are accompanied by an appropriate direction of access, so that no confusion or difficulty is created for those who have physical and/or learning disabilities)♦ ensuring that arrangements relating to accessfor people with disabilities are regularly reviewed |
Thank You so much!Our
Café on 8th February
2020 has so far raised
£780, which includes over £200
in donations with the Home Baking raising £180
Light Lunches, Teas/Coffees and Home Baking |
The Rainbow café has been on the go for a large number of years and has donated thousands of pounds to a great many charities over that period. |
The Rainbow café opens several times a year and all profits go to a different nominated charity each time. |
Each Café event is advertised on this website, facebook, the Church notice boards, and also by notices in some local shops and posters/signs also in the village. |
For further information on the Rainbow Café please see Rena Garvie |
Our Café on 26th October 2019 raised £445 which includes £160 from Home Baking and £60 from the sale of Handmade Poppieswhich was donated to:- |
Our Café on 25th August 2019 raised £520The Home Baking raised £95 as part of the totalwhich was donated to:- |
Café on 27th April 2019 raised £370 which was donated to:- |
Our Café on 16th February 2019 raised £370 which was donated to:- |
Our Café on 24th February 2018 raised £360 which was donated to:- |
Our Café on 7th October 2017 was very well attended and raised an amazing total of £465 which was donated to:- |
Thanks to all
Thanks to all who helped in any way |
1. Statistics, Resources and Structures |
2. Our Church History and present |
3. Planning the Future |
Click Here to see the Original Feedback from the Coffee, Cake and Chat Sessions |
Please see the list below to view the items which are really needed by the Lodging House Mission |
The Lodging House Mission receives 'GIFT AID' on any monetary donations. |